Sunday, November 22, 2009

party time ....Blog hop...

Welcom to our 2nd BLOG festival..........................

Follow these rules for a change to win Challenge 4..

and a snag a Guest spot on our design team!

a) visist a comment at each 9 blogs on their challenge 4 post..

b) Complete all aspects of challenge 4, Paper dolls, Joy or sadness, metal

c) upload the photo to 52 gallery

d) Post in challenge 4 Forum thread with a link and tell us about your process in a few short sentences

so lets go ..and hop to the other girls they are awesome...

1.. julie ann

2.. finn

3.. francesca

4.. tania

5.. wendela

6.. jaz

7,, pam

8,, project 52.

I am proud to be their guest designer for the month november thanks girl and well this was my project for challenge for my inspirations source was the picture of this girls i use as my paper doll..

i was shopping at the thrift store when i was looking for old photoframes when i saw this girl and then it hit me i have to use her as inspiration for my paper doll.

I use a old food box and altered in a little mini circus theatre hope you like..

the metals i use are a star wand and some charms from a exspensive jewelery designer Otazu..

hope you like it .. i also did another paper doll for this blog festival and this is how it turned out full with discription how to make it... so go let s inspired you and check out the other lovely talented girls..

second project paper doll 4

I was thinking to make something funny joyful..and colorful and very fast and easy to make


the suply list..

sassafras lass paper and stickers.., tag, ribbon, color beewax, hot iron, school college paper, vintage music paper, glimmer mist berry, disstress inkt blue, angel frame tinklebell, glue , 3d foam tape, glue dots, balck markers , magic mesh..

How to make it...

Step 1..color you tag with bee wax, and then use a flat hot iron and melt it go with you hot iron over it and then pick a bee wax and hold it and the hot iron and it melt and drop on your tag and then blend all colors together to go again over it let it dry..dry very fast. and then finish it with black mist..

step2.. Take a page of vintage music paper and some frame i use thinklebell, then mist it with the tatterd angel i use color berry..and let it dry then cut out and make some clothes for her i only did a skirt..and paint it

step3..i choose sassafras lass background paper and inkted the border of the paper with blue distress inkt

step4.. I glue the pink polka ribbon on the background of the tag and then glue the whole tag to my background.

step5.. then i decorate my tag, i put a star sassafras sticker on it, then the magic mesch black , then i cut out a frame of sassafras lass paper and put it on the left side and put there also the letter e of elfs there..cut out some piece of college paper and at last i put thinklebell with some foam tape for give it more demension on the tag and your layout or card is done my project are always cut out by hand i do not use blades or any piece of machines only my hands and scissors..

and at last some lines drawned with black marker..

have fun with it ...and lets play with these awesome girls so see you over at the board of bad girls see you

and have fun todoy..loves and kissed karin

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bee wax addicted...and new layouts

hi there me again with some new work ...there is a challenge going on at category stories
and this time it where my pick BAD BEHAVIOUR..doenstn have everybody else a bad day or behaviour sometimes well i do...i admitted...pfff. this is my latest addiction...bee wax just love it i did some background with it with a hot iron melt it down on some photo paper and this was for a challenge over at a millionmemories a challenge of the talented awesome girl larissa ...and this was my take again with a little bit of bee wax a mist paint.
und with it ,,,with a hot iron they say it is a spirtual thing you can read things from it i did it once mmm maybe i have to pick it up again...

and for the daily inspiration dt i made this little monster card to boobasch some body..

loves karin and big hug to...

Friday, October 30, 2009

new challenge

hi there it is me again with some new stuff i made for a great challenge blog i find out love it so inspiring..bad girls 52 project.
this is what i did it was about alterd a book ..I went to thrift store and bought some old school books..and did some mixed media on it with paint ,,gesso,, and beewax hope you like it it was my first try out...just love to do it and think i going to use the tecnique more ...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cool angied de larie new products..

wow i got some really cool products again from my friend angie de larie ...she makes such cute stuf love it this is what i had done with here products ...

and this one see you later is a sneek peek for the new categorystories so i can so you a little also with a chipboard of angie de larie hope you like it.

Halloween daily inspiration

Hi there, here some more halloween inspiration ..i made these for the blog design team ...a daily inspiration to be in their team is fun you know..if you wanne know how to make these two mini albums you have to check it out there everybody have nice halloween...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

love sassafras lass ...i am addicted ...

Hi guy´s it is almost halloween and i cant stop crafting and scrapbooking i am so in love with the new lines from sassafras that is what i am doing right now hope you dont get bored and loved it as much as i do.. Here a halloween blythe doll mini book made of toilet holders... my countdown calender for halloween with sassafras lass goodies on it..

a monster halloween wreath my son only saw the lollipops...

my haunted blyhte doll...

how spooky is my son... this was for dt category stories...there is such a thing as..

my monster card ...

let go to park in autumn with my little boy ,sister and hubby..

like father and son..two of one kind..

my atc cards for the ducth sis crop with a lolli on it treak or treat..

love martha pugs mugsy is he a cutie or what...happy halloween

so hope i gave you enough energy...and inspiration

i hope someday a big dream of me and i think of many others to be a designer for this wonderful papers and goodies sassafras lass thanks for making so much wonderful stuff...

it fits perfectly thanks...

so i have to be dreamy who knows sometimes....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scrapping across the universe challenge 13 is up

Have you ever ran from trouble?

In the film Max and his buddies are goofing around on the School's roof top, when they hit a golf ball into a window and it breaks. The boys start running from the scene, in all directions, to find safety from the imminent trouble. Have you ever ran from trouble? Come on.. I know you have? Do you have a little trouble maker that you can scrap about? Maybe you can create a page about running. I cant wait to see what you create from this prompt.

Mine was when i was a kid , i always if i was angry want to walk from home and one day i stamped upstairs and screamed to my mother that i hate her and that i go away so i took my bag and came like a mad girl downstairs ,, what i not know that my mom was waiting there and held the door open for me so and go then,, i began to cry very hard and with a little voice i said but my bag is empty..and then i feel sad.. now it is a good memory ....i was in no time mad but also in notime i forgot and came wissle downstairs so yes i ran from trouble but not far enough loves karin ...come play with us..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2nd Easter Day

We had a lovely second easter day that we spent with my parents in law... We went early at 10 o'clock in the morning to get together some lovely easter breakfast and oooh my god it was good. After we finish our breakfast we saw that the easterbunnie went by in the garden and left something sweet for mexx..he enjoys it ..and was dancing around.. He cant get enough of the green in the garden he loves it so much.. And then we saw grandfather with mexx learning how mexx could fly with a broomstick...uuuuh broomstick actually was a snow shelver....We had so much you can see on the picture

And then Paul the grandfather of mexx want to go shopping something for mexx , so he went with mexx alone shopping. I had already a idea in my head and said to my hubby and he laugh then a couple of time later they went back and paul said he had nothing but that we must go with him... because there was something that mexx like to play in so we went to a local do at home store called the KARWEI.. and mexx played in big airspring balloon ( dont now how you call it )

So that was fun and then came the suprisse mommy worst nightmare... hi hi a plastic turtle sandbox...but mexx like it and then it is fine with...If you ask me years ago i hate those things, and that is the same for miffy and bumba two cartoons ..but now i just loved also the sandbox so thanks grandpa and grandma you makes us very happy...
so here some funny photoś of the guyś what a funny and beautiful sunny day hope you like easter i just love and thanks to my family and mich family for this wonderful day loves karin

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy 1 Easter day

Hi there today it is first easter day and our wedding day we are married now for 7years wow...
WE had so much fun today ..first had a lovely easter breakfast and looking together with mexx for easter eggs .. then my sister and brother in law came to visit us and my mom with her boyfriend...mexx love it has not see my sister and brother in law for two months...but he was not shy he has the time of his life ,, especially when he find out that the bunny leave some goodies al so in the back garden ...ooooh he loved it my sister made this photoś of him thanks was fun celebrate this with my family ooooh and what did we laugh ...and then mexx was tired and asked him if he wanted to sleep and he said yes...opened the door and went up the stairs me and my sister behind ..when we where for his room he ran into it and close to door in front of our nose we laughed but the funny thing had to come. i knocked on the door and said if we could come in ...and he said with the same voice like my real dead who is now 9 years in heave....Yes and my sister look at each other and laugh about it it was so funny it was if my that was their hi hi happy easter it was not jezus who rise from the dead it was or dad hi hi ...what a humor well have a nice easter and see you soon enjoy the picture of my lovely son he is the cutest for me he is....loves karin


This challenge is all about the simple pleasures in live.Amelie enjoy's to dig into a sack of grain,crackin her creme brulee with a spoon or skipping stones at the St.Martin's canal. (Ricochet)

Maybe you enjoy the same simple pleasures as Amelie?Or maybe something completely different?Share it with us!!

There is also a amazing price from Jenni Bowlin!!And believe me,it's going to be worth playing for.

Simple things in life is what is keeping me going on , that is what important in my life to enjoy little things and always share them and rember them so i made a mini book of felt and this is how it pop up come on and play with click on the gnome inspired by amelie button and you will enter the site where you can play and love....